Saturday, October 18, 2008

Effed up

Today was really messed up....we saw this girl in Toys "R" Us just now and we pretty much went around the whole of 1u trying to chase her down to invite her to masquerade so Harith could have a date. Then after a while on the way back I was feeling really pissed for some odd reason...then I realised I didn't even know what the fuck I was that pissed in the first place. I think I need to find out who I am and as gay as that sounds its true. I mean you should think of fucked up do you have to be when you know your angry at something but you don't even know what that something is. To be angry at someone else's problem that you didn't create and still being unable to solve your own. We all try to be something better than what we really are but in the end it doesn't really work out. Till I figure out more....

Thursday, October 2, 2008


This Raya holidays were pretty good all in all. Eventhough its not over was pretty nice I guess. Today was the the 2nd day of Raya and we were having an open house. Maebear was at Ikano, I insisted to come but.....seeming her mum and zi yin and probably her whole family was there I she insisted I didn't. Adam came at around 4 and then we went to have lunch at Kayu which was okay I guess. After the whole raya open house thingy me and Dominic decided to go have a photoshoot. =)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day Out

I'm with Storm right now...we're dotaing...I swear! Uhhmm....the day started off pretty crappy, me and storm walked like 4 km today which is from sunway to asia cafe and back twice. We met up with Khalid, Steph Karen, Amer and Harith and sunway pyramid. We buka-ed at TGIF. After that we went for some shisha. Me and Khalid were pretty bored sooo...we decided to try our luck to get in Barcelona =D. It kinda wen't like this.

Emir: Is this a restauran. (acting very stupid)

Hostest: Uhmmmm.....yes it is. We also have a club. The restaurant is on your left after you go up.

Emir: Okay =D. (went up the stairs and went right(where the club is)

When we finished Khalid was said to me " Wei anak haram muka merah". I think the funniest part was when Khai's scooter got stollen. LOL! Anyhow...we were.....just....drinking cola. =D I hope.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'll Go Crazy Baby

I went out with Maebear on saturday....we watched Another Boleyn Girl, I think thats how its spelt...owh well more english lessons to be learnt =D. The movie was...I don't know...wasn't watching =). We went to the book shop and we saw little miss and Mr. books. Everything was going fine till this god forsaken child called VINCENT came. Hmm....note to self: never invite Vincent =D. Well....its bad enough that all I think about in school is her and now I have her scent locked in my head. Owh well....I guess I'll just have to survive somehow la....i hope : /.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My head is gonna kabooom!!!

Freaking stress laaaa.....sejarah and geo projects are supposed to be handed in soon. Hmm....good thing Aysha helped me out or not I would sei kao jor. Jun Keat influenced me and Alia to use such weird words at school (like shaksassi, AC, swigh, umangga) we don't even know what the hell most of the words mean...their fun to use though. And if it weren't for her I think I'd probably be a social ghost and just become a emo in the corner. Hmmm...owh and I think I should get a new phone back ground =D.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Day's the first day of fasting month (pushes enthusiasm)......things just don't feel the same like they use to I guess things matter much less now that I'm with her. I was actually suppose to sleep at 5 but then I offered dad help then.....I ended up staying up till 9 am. Well.....I was actually suppose to buy shoes too today...hmm....being the kind son I am I sacrificed lah. She won't let me cut my hair! Hmm...I think I'll suprise her by going semi-bald with an M carved in my hair. =D

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Yesterday was awsome....well more like this morning but....I spent the best 8 hours or so with someone purdy. We ended up standing at the wrong place to see the fireworks but its k , I got something way better :D. Hmm...Miss Purdy met Harith, Brandon, Ahmad, Vincent and Mun Chun sadly when they were high but she seemed to like it so I was okay. I swear if Harith touches her again I'd break his face...=D. We watched Meet Dave but I barely concentrated on the movie...but it was okay I guess. The bookstore was nice...we uhmm..looked for books I guess...yeah yeah books =) ....eventhough we didn't end up buying one. And I think i brokeded her camera cause it now contains my pictures.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Updating like I promised.... :D. Today was a just another drag..especially Sejarah, Pn. Aini is such a pain in the ass. All I'm doing now is waiting for Saturday which I've been waiting for a month =). I hope a certain somebody doesn't cancel on me [prays o :) ]. Anyhow....If it weren't for you I'd punch the next person I see that hopeful for an unlucky person thank Little Miss Purdy.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fear Of Flying

I took a picture of a girl I once knew
I kept it here incase I'd run into you
The look on your face could light up a
Room but instead you left

And now I'm sitting with my head on the
Dashboard push the seat back and close
My eyes I had this dream that I was on
An airplane afraid to fly
So I tipped my head to the side and I
Whispered to this man that was in the
Isle I said "do you know how long it
Takes before we Die?" and then I rolled

Can you take me back to the person I used
To be back when you were there for me I
Know it seems like forever but do me this
Favor please way back when we were stupid n'
Held grudges just to help us sleep oh my
God, how ridiculous were we?

I stop your breathin everytime I'm around
Girl your body's sweatin and your hands
start to shake I know you can't control
Your eyes but I know that your looks are fake

So tease me once and I swear i'll forget
How it feels when youve got nothing left
Well take it slow and only work at it
Sometimes oh yeah...

Can you take me back to the person I used
To be back when you were there for me I
Know it seems like forever but do me this
Favor please way back when we were stupid n'
Held grudges just to help us sleep oh my
God, how ridiculous were we?

I took a picture of a girl I once knew
I kept it here incase I'd run into you
The look on your face could light up a
Room but instead you left and oh you

Can you take me back to the person I used
To be back when you were there for me I
Know it seems like forever but do me this
Favor please way back when we were stupid n'
Held grudges just to help us sleep oh my
God, how ridiculous were we?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Next Week

I'm gonna sulk and physically die if next week gets cancelled. Little Miss Purdy better not cancel on me.(emir prays she won't) Anyways today was....headaching.... Brandon, Vincent, Mun Chun and I had 2 round of .... =). I fell down straight on my ass on the pavement which hurt like hell...and I was laughing dispite my ass hurting like hell. Well someones gonna be wearing glasses and thats for sure. :D.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well...Little Miss Bad never knew there were such things as guys wearing skinny jeans. She was pretty much shocked when i told her i bought the slim ones. To my advantage slim jeans still give your property room the breathe so they aren't gay. The straight cut ones make my legs look fluffy....its true :(. Last night I was a total A-hole to her and I feel really really bad still. I'll make it up to her somehow. My throat sorta hurts from last night singing and shisha...bad combo indeed. Well...anyways I'm into Hot Hot Heat right now. And go listen to The Academy Is' new album...good stuff =D.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I love LOVE

well....someone is taking her little sister to High School Music on ice. So....i was stuck at home until Harith called and said " lets go now now." So...being the peoples person I am , I said yes. 1u was a bore actually so Harith, Brando, Amer, Nazri and I went to the curve to shisha. It was all fun and games at first until we remembered Amer is semi-high and he's driving us all home. Despite having a good time....I think I felt the best when I heard your voice =). I'm sorry our conversation was ruined by Harith saying hi...doesn't take much for him to ruin a whole lot. Nazri was hilarious....he kept falling back and he was like " I feel it man, I feel it!" Owh....we were singing in the car like a bunch of idiots (not that we're not but yeah =D) . If you heard your ears would have burst in tormenting pain.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Spread Love Like Violence

If I had my own world
I'd fill it with wealth and desire
A glorious past to admire
And voices of kids out walking,
Dogs, birds, planes, cleanest cars

If I had my own world
I'd love it for all that's inside it
There'd be no more wars, death or riots
There'd be no more police, packed-parking lots,
Guns, bombs sounding off,

If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence

If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence

Let me feel you, carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder

If I had my own world
I'd show you the life that's inside it
The way that it glows when you find it
The way it survives with it's families,
Friends or it's enemies

Let's make this a new world
I swear you can go if you want to
I know that you have that within you
Inventing the first clean and usable,
God's greatest miracle

If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence

If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence

Let me feel you, carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder

Let me feel you carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder

Let me feel you carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder

Let me feel you carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder


Whooooo!!! holidays :D. Hmm...okay maybe I'm not fooling anyone. Anyways...assesments just ended so thats a plus but a certain carebear might not be able to go out during the hols so.....(emir pretends to have something in his eye but he's actually crying =). I really want to go to Perth with Little Miss Bad in November and its been ages since I've seen that boob forsaken child Storm.(thats is his real name). Hm...but mumsie wants to go Hong Kong with me and Naj. I hope I can convince Naj to take Cheryl so I can go Perth. Hmm....planning is such a pain in the toosh. Appart from the confusing times....I'm never ever(x gazillion) letting her'll never make me =).

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hmm...well someone can't go out during the hols...but i guess a weak wouldn't kill me. Anyways....Alia, Amelia, Khalid, Eugene and I were talking about LUST!(haha...lust sounds like some naughty word old people use). So....apparently Alia guys can't go on a day or two without thinking about sex(don't try to cover laa Khalid). Actually it all started with Khalid telling us on how guys are actually better at sex...he claims he read it in some magazine which i wonder where he got from. Tomorrow is the last day assesments so.....haaaaa(clouds clearing and sun shining =D). But till then and probably for the next 2 weaks I'll be bummed. I'll manage....somehow =/.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Little Hippo

Hmm....I never knew how good being a little hippo could feel. I might be a hippo but I'm her hippo =). was quite....shitty. Other than that Alia and Anis invented a cross breed of the cheapest girl which is a slore(slut + whore). Everything other than talking to the amazing hipporilla was a drag. Owh! and Amir and I just discovered something...before getting beaten up or in Amir's words"kena tapao" by some Malay speaking gangs they will always say......"macam kenal aje". That was a real HAHA. I mean.....why would someone imagine someone coming up to you and saying I think i know you and before you could say anything back he punches you. Anyhow...she's my hipporilla so...i call dibs =D.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Keeping Me Up

I was planning to sleep at 12 but....someone unexplainably amazing kept me up until 2 =)....i wonder who. Apparently cereals is a very intimate topic. Cocoa puffs and diet ones for chicks. I didn't understand most of her big words i kept it simple(didn't work too well). Mrs. Bad thinks that her possey would out embarress mine...we all know thats physically impossible when Harith is there....that skinny whimp. Anyhow...tonight is Ohchentaku's last gig before Myo goes to Switzerland to study.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Listeing to

Metro Station-shake it

At Home

Today is the first day forever im at home on a Friday before 5. It kinda blows. Somone's out entertaning her god family =D soo stuck alone. Assesment is next weak...god i hate tests. I did some camwhoring on Wednesday...well 7 pictures is camwhoring to me. =) I got some horny ones in there as well =D. Thanks Sara for the....erotic fotography.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Panic at the disco

I really wanna go to panic at the disco, uber badly. If anyone wants to go just tell me...please I need some people =). Tickets are 90 and 120 i think...around there la. Don't be kedekut, please =(. Anyways....the past few days all I've been thinking about is she. I wish she knew how I felt about her but...I really can't tell.

Woke up from dreaming
And put on his shoes
Starting making his way past 2 in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days
Leaning out into the breeze
Remembering Sunday he falls to his knees
They had breakfast together
But two eggs don't last like the feeling of what he needs
Now this place is familiar to him
She pulls on his hand with a devilish grin
She led him upstairs, she led him up stairs
Left him dying to get in

Forgive me I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
Don't mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And its driving me crazy it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry me

Even though she doesn't believe in love
He's determined to call her bluff
Who can deny these butterflies
TheyĆ¢€™re filling his gut
Waking the neighbors
Unfamiliar faces he pleads though he tries
But he's only tonight
Now he's dying to get inside

Forgive me I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
Don't mean to be a bother
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And its driving me crazy it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry me

The neighbors said she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn't think much of it then
But it started to all make sense
Oh I can see now
That all of these clouds
Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To find my who ever
Where ever she may be

I'm not coming back
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak the truth you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
And out of my mind
keeping an eye on the world
So many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now I'm not home in the clouds
Showering over your hair

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Currently listening to

the frattelis-henrietta

Cute is what we aim for- safe ride

No one is harder on me than myself
Or so it seems
And some say that you are my curse, my own worst enemy
I think they're wrong

I never thought our life could be like this
I never thought...

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

I thought "No one is smarter than me,
No I don't need anyone's help"
Or so it seems (I was so wrong)

You've changed me for the good
They never understood
But even if they tried I doubt they could
So take my nervous hands
Then we could take a stand
We don't have to live by their demands, yea

I never thought life could be like this
I never thought...

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

When I'm with you there's no worries
When I'm with you there's no shame
When I'm with you I'm secure
Which usually begins the grain

They could say we lack the progress
They could say that we're a mess
They could say we'll never make it
I know we're better than their test
And I don't hear them anyway

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything
When you call my name

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything everything everything everything everything and more

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

Such a Drag was pretty much a drag.....everyone was freaking emo. I think its just me but everything is seeming to be pointless. Mae Yin was wokay for a while but then she was down. My pick up line seemed to cheer her up. (never fails =D) But all in all I guess today was just boring.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Song of the day

Dashboard confessional- saints and sailors


I'm currently reading this book called Twilight....bascially theres 3 books out and the fourth is coming out soon. Sigh...trying to finish this book is such a bitch. I think I'm just gonna cheat by watching the movie =D.(sorry Alia) Anyways ... if vampire mumbo jumbo is your thing you should read the book.

Things could be worse

Hmm....I'm starting out this blog cause:
1. I probably talk to much
2. To me what I say is really interesting
3. I always tell anyone next to me what's on my mind
4. Things are really shitty right now.
5. The people I usually express my mind to don't listen....-_-.