Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hmm...well someone can't go out during the hols...but i guess a weak wouldn't kill me. Anyways....Alia, Amelia, Khalid, Eugene and I were talking about LUST!(haha...lust sounds like some naughty word old people use). So....apparently Alia guys can't go on a day or two without thinking about sex(don't try to cover laa Khalid). Actually it all started with Khalid telling us on how guys are actually better at sex...he claims he read it in some magazine which i wonder where he got from. Tomorrow is the last day assesments so.....haaaaa(clouds clearing and sun shining =D). But till then and probably for the next 2 weaks I'll be bummed. I'll manage....somehow =/.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u typed 'week' wrongly la dey :D
and do u HAVE to post abt me saying tht guys cnt go on for a day w/out thinking bout sex? u lamo