Monday, August 11, 2008

Little Hippo

Hmm....I never knew how good being a little hippo could feel. I might be a hippo but I'm her hippo =). was quite....shitty. Other than that Alia and Anis invented a cross breed of the cheapest girl which is a slore(slut + whore). Everything other than talking to the amazing hipporilla was a drag. Owh! and Amir and I just discovered something...before getting beaten up or in Amir's words"kena tapao" by some Malay speaking gangs they will always say......"macam kenal aje". That was a real HAHA. I mean.....why would someone imagine someone coming up to you and saying I think i know you and before you could say anything back he punches you. Anyhow...she's my hipporilla so...i call dibs =D.

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