Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day Out

I'm with Storm right now...we're dotaing...I swear! Uhhmm....the day started off pretty crappy, me and storm walked like 4 km today which is from sunway to asia cafe and back twice. We met up with Khalid, Steph Karen, Amer and Harith and sunway pyramid. We buka-ed at TGIF. After that we went for some shisha. Me and Khalid were pretty bored sooo...we decided to try our luck to get in Barcelona =D. It kinda wen't like this.

Emir: Is this a restauran. (acting very stupid)

Hostest: Uhmmmm.....yes it is. We also have a club. The restaurant is on your left after you go up.

Emir: Okay =D. (went up the stairs and went right(where the club is)

When we finished Khalid was said to me " Wei anak haram muka merah". I think the funniest part was when Khai's scooter got stollen. LOL! Anyhow...we were.....just....drinking cola. =D I hope.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'll Go Crazy Baby

I went out with Maebear on saturday....we watched Another Boleyn Girl, I think thats how its spelt...owh well more english lessons to be learnt =D. The movie was...I don't know...wasn't watching =). We went to the book shop and we saw little miss and Mr. books. Everything was going fine till this god forsaken child called VINCENT came. Hmm....note to self: never invite Vincent =D. Well....its bad enough that all I think about in school is her and now I have her scent locked in my head. Owh well....I guess I'll just have to survive somehow la....i hope : /.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My head is gonna kabooom!!!

Freaking stress laaaa.....sejarah and geo projects are supposed to be handed in soon. Hmm....good thing Aysha helped me out or not I would sei kao jor. Jun Keat influenced me and Alia to use such weird words at school (like shaksassi, AC, swigh, umangga) we don't even know what the hell most of the words mean...their fun to use though. And if it weren't for her I think I'd probably be a social ghost and just become a emo in the corner. Hmmm...owh and I think I should get a new phone back ground =D.