Saturday, October 18, 2008

Effed up

Today was really messed up....we saw this girl in Toys "R" Us just now and we pretty much went around the whole of 1u trying to chase her down to invite her to masquerade so Harith could have a date. Then after a while on the way back I was feeling really pissed for some odd reason...then I realised I didn't even know what the fuck I was that pissed in the first place. I think I need to find out who I am and as gay as that sounds its true. I mean you should think of fucked up do you have to be when you know your angry at something but you don't even know what that something is. To be angry at someone else's problem that you didn't create and still being unable to solve your own. We all try to be something better than what we really are but in the end it doesn't really work out. Till I figure out more....

Thursday, October 2, 2008


This Raya holidays were pretty good all in all. Eventhough its not over was pretty nice I guess. Today was the the 2nd day of Raya and we were having an open house. Maebear was at Ikano, I insisted to come but.....seeming her mum and zi yin and probably her whole family was there I she insisted I didn't. Adam came at around 4 and then we went to have lunch at Kayu which was okay I guess. After the whole raya open house thingy me and Dominic decided to go have a photoshoot. =)