Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Currently listening to

the frattelis-henrietta

Cute is what we aim for- safe ride

No one is harder on me than myself
Or so it seems
And some say that you are my curse, my own worst enemy
I think they're wrong

I never thought our life could be like this
I never thought...

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

I thought "No one is smarter than me,
No I don't need anyone's help"
Or so it seems (I was so wrong)

You've changed me for the good
They never understood
But even if they tried I doubt they could
So take my nervous hands
Then we could take a stand
We don't have to live by their demands, yea

I never thought life could be like this
I never thought...

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

When I'm with you there's no worries
When I'm with you there's no shame
When I'm with you I'm secure
Which usually begins the grain

They could say we lack the progress
They could say that we're a mess
They could say we'll never make it
I know we're better than their test
And I don't hear them anyway

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything
When you call my name

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything everything everything everything everything and more

I'll be your safe ride home when you call me
I'll be everything and more
When you call my name

Such a Drag

Well......today was pretty much a drag.....everyone was freaking emo. I think its just me but everything is seeming to be pointless. Mae Yin was wokay for a while but then she was down. My pick up line seemed to cheer her up. (never fails =D) But all in all I guess today was just boring.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Song of the day

Dashboard confessional- saints and sailors


I'm currently reading this book called Twilight....bascially theres 3 books out and the fourth is coming out soon. Sigh...trying to finish this book is such a bitch. I think I'm just gonna cheat by watching the movie =D.(sorry Alia) Anyways ... if vampire mumbo jumbo is your thing you should read the book.

Things could be worse

Hmm....I'm starting out this blog cause:
1. I probably talk to much
2. To me what I say is really interesting
3. I always tell anyone next to me what's on my mind
4. Things are really shitty right now.
5. The people I usually express my mind to don't listen....-_-.